Thursday, September 13, 2007

An ode to my best friend...

Only when my mother told me at the temple that he may not have many more days left did I come to know of the gravity of the situation. I was home for Onam, and had 3 days at my will before I returned to Mangalore. Yes, he had been ill for quite some time, but it was not so bad...

He was only three months old when I first met him. Hardly a foot and a half tall and barely touching my knees if he stood up. As time passed by, we spent a lot of time together, played with each other, teased each other and became the best of friends. He preferred to spend as much time with me as possible, so did I. But my time constraints wouldn't let me be with him all the while. After school hours, I'd rush home to meet him, and he'd be all the more happy to meet me. I remember that joyous naughty look on his face whenever he saw me. He'd start jumping and would run all around me waiting for me to start the police-and-thief game. And I was happy to oblige.

If there was one thing he wasn't happy about, it was taking a shower. I literally had to drag him into it. And he hated being confined to his little room. When let free, he would wander in the courtyard, and slowly sneak into the kitchen, get his share of snacks from mom (and later from me too), and then go back to his usual place - the left corner of our sit-out. If he wanted something, I could tell by looking at his eyes.

Months and years passed by. My studies kept me busy, and unknowingly the time that we spent together began to dwindle. I didn't notice how much this affected him though.My selfish nature! When he wanted my presence, I had a hundred and one reasons to be 'busy' and if I wanted someone to listen to my grievances, I just wanted him to be there. And indeed he was there always. Happy to just be by my side and silently listen to all nonsense I would say...All the while, I failed to realize that my best friend had really matured, and was perfectly suave in his demeanor. My mom will concur with me on this. There is not one instance I can remember when he had to be rebuked to do something. Such was his obedience, such was his love!!

And here I am today, realizing what I'll be missing next time I go home. All these years, I've been used to seeing him before I even see my parents or grandparents. The slightest of sounds from me and he'd wake up and come to me so eagerly...

Groono was 9 1/2 years old when he passed away. I hate to talk of him as a dog - to me, he was my companion, my best friend. How much I loved him, how badly I miss him, only I know. And how much he gave me in return, unconditionally.....I'm speechless.

The first time I was homesick after entering engineering college, it was not because I missed my parents. It was becaue I missed Groono. I don't know if he had any last wish. Maybe he just wanted to be with me. And I couldn't do that...I had to return to my job, leaving Groono in His hands. His time had come. Maybe God intended to show me what true love is. I now know...

A final dose of sedation on the 29th of August, 2007 and Groono breathed his last...

I was inconsolable on the day I found out that the time had come for Groono to say good-bye. My whole family was in tears. All efforts by my parents to convince me about things like a dog's lifespan, or how he'd have to suffer if he were to live longer were in vain...I couldn't bear the thought of not having him...He had always been there. How can he not be from tomorrow?

But such is life...When you start feeling comfortable about something, it just springs at you a surprise that is sure to give you quite a jolt. I'm no philosopher myself. But things like these make me think of the fleeting marvel that is life. Every second that you are alive, you are missing a very important moment to let your loved ones know that you care for them. Maybe it doesn't matter to them whether you do or do not. But when you think back, you'll know they knew about your feelings.

I miss you Groono...